How do I transfer my domain name from one website to another

transfer a GoDaddy domain from one blog to another

Hello dear followers on Advanced Settings website.

We are back with a new lesson, and this time we will explain how to transfer a domain from one blog to another or from one website to another.

transfer my domain from one website to another
transfer my domain name from one website to another
I used to have a website that I worked on, but I encountered some problems related to indexing and the number of visits to my site. I tried to fix the problem, but to no avail. Therefore, I had to create a new website and start from scratch to avoid the issues I faced with my first site. However, I did not want to give up my original domain.

So, I needed to transfer my domain to the new blog I was going to create. I searched extensively for a solution and contacted the technical support of the site where I purchased the domain, the well-known GoDaddy. They explained to me the possibility of transferring the domain from one blog to another and the necessary settings I needed to apply.

I will share all of that with you in this lesson so that you can benefit more. If any of you encounter the same problem, follow these steps to reach a final solution.

How to transfer the domain from one Blogger blog to another blog

To transfer a domain from one Blogger blog to another, follow these general steps:

Remove the domain from the current Blogger blog

  • Go to your Blogger dashboard.
  • Choose the blog you want to disconnect the domain from.
  • Go to "Settings" > "Basic" > "Publishing."
  • Next to your domain, click "X" to remove it.

Update DNS Settings

  • Log into your GoDaddy account and access the DNS settings for your domain.
  • Update the DNS records to point to the new Blogger blog. Blogger usually requires you to add specific CNAME records.

Add the domain to the new Blogger blog

  • Go to your new Blogger dashboard.
  • Navigate to "Settings" > "Basic" > "Publishing."
  • Click on "Setup a 3rd party URL for your blog."
  • Enter your domain name and follow the prompts to verify.
Remember, DNS changes may take up to 48 hours to propagate.
If you need more detailed help with any step or DNS settings, let me know!

problems that you may encounter when we transfer the domain from one blog to another

When transferring a domain from one blog to another, you might encounter these common issues:
  1. DNS Propagation Delay: It can take up to 48 hours for DNS changes to take effect globally.
  2. Incorrect DNS Settings: Entering incorrect CNAME or A records can point your domain to the wrong place or cause it not to resolve.
  3. SSL Certificate Errors: If your domain had an SSL certificate, you might need to reconfigure or reinstall it for the new site.
  4. Domain Locking: Ensure the domain is not locked at your registrar, preventing changes.
  5. Access to Old Blog: Make sure you have access to both the old and new blogs for a smooth transition.

Each issue has a solution, so if you run into any problems, feel free to ask for assistance!

Does the domain that we transferred to the new blog drag the old archive with it

No, transferring a domain to a new blog does not automatically transfer the content or archives from the old blog.

The domain name simply points to a new location. Your content, including posts and pages, will remain on the original blog platform unless you manually export and import it to the new blog. Would you like guidance on how to move your blog content?

Instructions on how to move your blog content

To move your blog content from one platform to another, follow these general steps. The details may vary depending on the platforms you're using:

Export Content from the Old Blog

  • Go to the dashboard of your current blog.
  • Look for an option like "Settings" or "Tools," then select "Export."
  • Follow the prompts to export your content. This usually generates an XML or ZIP file containing your posts, comments, and sometimes media.

Download Media Files (if not included in the export file

  • If your media files (images, videos) aren't included in the export file, you may need to download them separately from your blog's media library.

Import Content to the New Blog

  • Go to the dashboard of your new blog platform.
  • Look for an option like "Settings" or "Tools," then select "Import."
  • Upload the export file from your old blog and follow the prompts to import your content.
  • If you had to download your media files separately, you might need to upload them to your new blog's media library and reattach them to the respective posts.

Update Internal Links

  •  After importing, check for any internal links in your posts that may still point to the old blog. You might need to update these manually to point to the new site.

Redirect Your Domain (if not already done)

  • Make sure your domain points to your new blog. This involves updating DNS settings like A records or CNAME records to point to the new platform.
Remember, the specifics can vary based on the blogging platforms you're transferring content between, so it's a good idea to consult the support documentation or help center of both platforms for platform-specific instructions.


Certainly! Transferring a domain from one blog to another involves changing where the domain points and does not automatically move your blog content or archives. To transfer the domain, you'll adjust DNS settings or use domain forwarding. If moving content, you must export it from the old blog and import it to the new blog, which may also involve transferring media files separately. After the transfer, update any internal links and ensure your domain points to the new site. Common issues during this process include DNS propagation delays, incorrect DNS settings, and SSL certificate errors. Remember, domain transfers and content migration are separate steps.
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